Each page in this research guide contains information on both libraries in general and things specfic to Molloy's library procedures and/or collection.
Libkey Nomad++ automatically provides instant links to full text content for article subscribed to by your library - or open access alternatives. Enjoy additional integrated features such as library chat, citation services, and more.
Chrome extension: The next time you can't access the research you need, use the Open Access Button. The Button searches thousands of sources to get you instant, legal access to articles.
This plugin indicates PubPeer comments wherever they appear. A lightweight plugin to install and forget about. You will only notice that the plugin exists when it alerts you that an article has comments on PubPeer. PubPeer can also mark retraction articles.
Chrome & Firefox extension to find available versions of a published article. Unpaywall is run by Impactstory, a nonprofit dedicated to making scholarship more accessible to everyone. Open is our passion. So it's only natural our source code is open, too.