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Library 101

Get to the know the library

The Physical Space

The JET library is located on the 2nd floor of Kellenberg Hall on the Rockville Centre campus. Kellenberg Hall was built in the 1950s and was first occupied in 1958. There is a ramp entrance located on the south side of the building that leads into the Anselma Room. Additional entrances at the back of Kellenberg Hall will bring a patron into the basement level. There is one elevator in Kellenbeg Hall that can be used to get to the library's entrance on the second floor. There is one elevator in the Casey Centers that can be used to get to the 2nd floor and a bridge that connects Casey Center to Kellenberg Hall.

Inside the library, there are three levels. These three levels do not always match the floors of Kellenberg Hall. The library's main (first) level is on the second floor of Kellenberg Hall. The library's second level does not correlate with a floor of Kellenberg Hall. Parts of the library's third level are on the third floor of Kellenberg Hall and have emergency fire exits, no entrances.

Spaces on the Main / first level of the library include:

  • Main Reference Room
  • Educational Resource Center
  • Learning Commons
  • Library Instruction Room A
  • Group Study
  • Quiet Study
  • Librarian Offices

Spaces on the Mezzanine / second level of the library require the use of stairs and include:

  • Library Instruction Room B
  • Mezzanine with books from the circulating collection
  • Stairs up to Library Instruction Room C

Spaces on the third level of the library require the use of stairs and include:

  • Stack Room 1
  • Dominican Reading Room
  • Quiet Study
  • Library Instruction Room C

The Digital/Electronic Space

The JET Library provides a variety of electronic resources for students, faculty, and staff of Molloy. JET librarians and staff create accessible digital content such as video tutorials with closed captioning. In most cases, third-party vendors are responsible for providing accessible content in their databases, journals, videos, etc.

Summary for Streaming Video, Audio, or Image Collections

Permissions, Reuse, and Accessibility (when specifically noted by Vendors)

Vendor Accessibility Statements, VPATs, or more information

Windows Ease of Access - Keyboard Shortcuts

The Ease of Access menu is now available on all student computers in the library. (Updated 1/30/2023)

Available on Library PCs

Press these keys

To do this

Windows logo key + u

Open the Ease of Access Settings Menu
Yes Windows logo key + the plus sign (+) Turn Magnifier on
Yes Windows logo key + Esc Turn Magnifier off
Yes Plus sign (+) or Minus sign (-) When Magnifier is on, zoom in or out

Windows logo key + Ctrl + C

This will toggle to the selected filter, i.e. Inverted or Grayscale

Color Settings need to be enabled in Ease of Access settings first.

Yes Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter Turn Narrator on or off

Windows logo key + Ctrl + N

Open Narrator settings
Yes Windows logo key + Ctrl + S Turn on Windows Speech Recognition
Yes Windows logo key + Ctrl + O Turn on the On-Screen Keyboard

This is not a complete list - more information can be found at the link below

Molloy Web and Digital Media Accessibility Policy Statement (from the website 2022)

Molloy University has a long tradition of fostering a culture and community centered on study and learning. As an educational institution, we have included service and community as core components of our mission. An essential part of each of these components is our ability to provide easy access to information. This not only allows our academic community to make informed decisions, but also allows them to gain a broader, more dynamic perspective of their communities, their faith, and their world. It's why we are committed to providing every student and faculty member, as well as the entire academic and educational community, with the ability to access all content published on any digital platform.

To achieve this goal, Molloy University is dedicated to setting up procedures for the creation and distribution of all online content that will follow WC3's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, level AA conformance or updated equivalents of these guidelines. These guidelines align with the intent of several United States federal laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act, the refreshed Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and other laws.

Molloy University's website and digital accessibility policy will cover all digital content, including web pages, templates, multimedia (such as photos, audio, and video), and social media. However, in order to optimize this process in a timely manner, we will implement these changes in stages, over time, by first focusing on the most frequently visited web pages on the Molloy University website. Additionally, we will provide our staff with ADA compliance training and resources that will allow us to facilitate making necessary changes as quickly and efficiently as possible.
If you have any questions or comments on web and digital media accessibility at Molloy University, please contact the Office of Strategic and Digital Communications at