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Molloy University Profiles

A Guide to Pure4EGS for Molloy faculty.

What is Research & Scholarship?

In Molloy's version, you will see the phrase Research & Scholarship but if you look at other institutions you might see the phrase Research Output or a different term to describe this section in the Pure system. Research & Scholarship covers a wide range of different types of content areas, including but not limited to:

  • Articles in journals
  • Articles in specialty publications
  • Books & Book chapters
  • Working papers and reports
  • Conference contributions
  • Conference publications
  • Visual and digital content
  • Thesis & dissertation
  • "non-textual forms" like websites, sofware, or exhibitions

The subpages will have more information about creating specific types of Research & Scholarship.

MU Profile: Edit/Add link to Research & Scholarship

Automate import searches

There are three options that you can automate depending on what is available to you:

  • Search by email. This will search online sources using your molloy email address.
  • DigitalCommons@Molloy. This only searches DigitalCommons@Molloy, not the full DigitalCommons network.
  • Scopus search. This works best with a Scopus Author ID but can be set up with a name.

You would still need to review these entires and then submit them "For approval."


  1. Log in to your profile
  2. Click edit profile
  3. On the left, select Automated search
  4. Enable or disable the available options
    1. Check the box to "Inform me by email when canditates are found (
    2. Toggle on for Digital Commons
    3. Toggle on for Scopus.
  5. Click savescreenshot of the automated search screen