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MU Profile: DigitalCommons import
Digital Commons import
- Click +Add content
- Select Research & Scholarship
- Select Import from online source
- Click Digital Commons
- Type the author name in the box
- Click the Search button
- Browse the search result page
- Click import on the desired result
- Review the author and organization information on the import review screen. This will list external and internal authors. Click import and review button to go to the next screen.
- This is the final submission screen. You can edit the author and organiation screen. Double check the content type and template. In the example in the screen shots below, there is incorrect information.
- When done you can mark the submission "for approval" then click the Save button.
Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4:
Steps 5 and 6:
Steps 7 and 8:
Step 9:
Step 10: