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Molloy University Profiles

A Guide to Pure4EGS for Molloy faculty.

Post migration

The migration of data from EGS to Pure was not smooth and there were many errors. While Tabitha spent 2.5 months reviewing and correcting the migration information, she is one person with one set of eyes. Listed on this page are some common things that you might see. If you see any of these things on your profile, they should be corrected.

1. Incorrect Organizational unit

The Organizational Unit attached to your name should be your department, office, school, or Molloy University. It should not be any other variation of Molloy or say "external organization." Even if the scholarship was created when Molloy was still Molloy College, the should be and "internal organization" attached to your name somewhere on the specific entry.

In the example below, Tabitha Ochter is attached to Molloy University but it is listed as an External Organization.

screenshot pur4egs author and affiliation

To correct:

  • Click the edit to the right of the Author
  • Under "Affiliation on the Scholarship"
    • Check the box for the listed internal organization
    • Uncheck the box for the external organization
  • Click update

2. Incorrect start date

You're start date is incorrect. This happened because on your old Profile, you did not have a start date. During the migraiton, Pure defaulted everyone without a start date to 1/1/2024. This is another fix that you can not do yourself. Please email Tabitha Ochtera,, with the correct start date for your most recent two Molloy positions and she will work to get that corrected.

screenshot of start date in edit options

3. Contribution to journal: peer-reviewed vs Not peer-reviewed

Since peer-review was not a field or indicator in DigitalCommons or Expert Gallery Suite, there is no guarentee that the selection is correct for your journal articles. It is up to the Faculty member check all the articles under Contribution to journal to ensure that the correct peer-reviewed indicator is selected.

Option 1: peer-reviewed article

Option 2: not peer-reviewed article

4. Incorrect or Not preferred Content type

In Scholarship, you can change the template; however, you can not change an item in Scholarship to an item in another section like Activites. It is important to click "change template" before making any other changes or the system will not allow the save to be made until other changes are saved.

In the example below, an Annual Summary was migrated over as a Conference Presentation. Instead, Tabitha would like it to be under the Digital and Visual Products content type.

To correct:

  • Click on Change template - it is in the upper right
  • Find the appropriate category then content area & type
    • For this example it is non-textual form & digital and visual products
  • Once you click on the content type, it will change.

Please note that not all of the fields automatically match to a field in a different content type. This means you might have to move information around and/or retype information.

5. Incorrect CC license

During the migration, all open access works came over as CC BY. you can edit this by click Edit next to the work and selecting the appropriate license. If it's a work in the DigitalCommons@Molloy that doesn't have a license then select Unspecified.

6. Migrated thesis and dissertations are marked as Doctoral thesis

The templates for theses and dissertations are Master Thesis and Doctoral Thesis. During the migration, both were marked as Doctoral Thesis. To correct this follow the directions below:

  1. Sign in
  2. Below Scholarship, click on Doctoral Thesis
  3. Click on your thesis (or Master Thesis)
  4. In the dropdown, switch to Master Thesis
  5. At the bottom, click the blue save button.

This will enter the item for re-validation and approval. Once approved, the corrected version will be visible on your profile.

personal overview with two doctoral thesis

scholarship list of the two doctoral thesis

dropdown with Master's thesis option