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A guide to DigitalCommons@Molloy and the Molloy Faculty Profiles (Expert Gallery Suite).

Associate Director, Head of Electronic and Digital Services

Profile Photo
Tabitha Ochtera
Name pronunciation: TA-bih-thuh AHK-tair-uh
Spring semester hours: Mon. to Fri. 11am-7pm

DigitalCommons@Molloy: Pre/Post Prints

The examples below were added AFTER publication in many instances the Pre-print can be hosted as soon as it is accepted for publication. Due to the publisher's restrictions on copyright - the published version was not allowed to be shared. This way of making your work available is often called Green Open Access or Self-Archiving.

Pre-print / Submitted Manuscript example:

Post-print / Accepted Manuscript example:

The other option is to place your pre-print BEFORE publication. Most publishers allow the pre-print to be hosted in an open-access institutional repository prior to publication. For more information, see the example of Emily Nordmann via Twitter. 

Checking Copyright Restrictions & Permissions

Before submitting your published work to the DigitalCommons@Molloy, the copyright permissions need to be checked. These can vary widely between different Journals and Publishers and sometimes involves reviewing the Copyright Transfer Agreement which was signed when the work was published. It is always a good idea to retain your Copyright Transfer Agreement because publishers will change and update their policies over time. The resources listed below can be used by you or a librarian to assess permissions such as: permission to post on a repository, embargo period, required publisher statements, and which version of your work can be submitted. Whether you are evaluating your own work or a librarian is evaluating your list of publications, it is important to be familiar with publication versions and embargo periods.

How Many Versions Are There? What Do They Mean?

When discussing different versions of a manuscript, there are three defined versions: Submitted, Accepted, and Published.

1. Submitted (Pre-Print)

  • Also called: Pre-print, Version 1, Original Manuscript, Author's Original Manuscript, Author's Original Version
  • Defined as: The first manuscript which has been submitted for publication. If the journal is peer-reviewed then that process has not yet been completed.
  • File type: A text file, usually a Word doc or docx
  • Timeline: After submission, before peer-review and editing

2. Accepted (Post-Print)

  • Also called: Post-print, Version 2, Reviewed Manuscript, Auther's Accepted Manuscript
  • Defined as: The author's final manuscript version. If the journal is peer-reviewed then that process is completed. It does not reflect any layout or branding done by the publisher.
  • File type: A text file, usually a Word doc or docx
  • Timeline: After peer-review, before formatting

3. Publisher's PDF (Version of Record)

  • Also called: Final Version, Version of Record
  • Defined as: The final version of the article and is produced by the publisher. If the journal is peer-reviewed then that process has been completed, corrections have been done, as well as formatting and any branding by the publisher.
  • File type: PDF (HTML on the journal's website)
  • Timeline: After peer-review, formatting, copyediting, and branding


Pre-prints: A Success Story

A story via tweets about Emily & her decision to place her pre-print in the pre-print server psyarxiv while waiting to hear back from publishers. The story goes from March 2017 to October 2018. Not only does her paper gets published (after some time) but she was presented with numerous job, research, and speaking opportunities because her research was open to all.

A Quick Guide to Frequently Used Journal Publishers (Updated 5/2023)

Please check below for information on frequently used journal publishers. In some cases, open-access posting or self-archiving rules differ between journals under the same publisher. The information below was previously represented in a table. It has been updated and reformatted.

Cambridge University Press

  • Publisher website: Cambridge Core
  • Policy Link: Green open access policy for journals
  • Versions allowed:
    • Submitted/Pre-print: post immediately.
    • Accepted/Post-prints: post after the embargo period.
      • STM Journals: 6 months
      • HSS Journals: none\
  • Required publisher statement: This article has been published in a revised form in [Journal] []. This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works.
  • Additional requirements: none.


  • Publisher website: BMJ Journals
  • Policy Link: Author self-archiving & permissions and the BMJ author Hub
  • Versions allowed based on the 2018 Non Open Access Articles chart.
    • Submitted/Pre-print: post in a preprint server
      • Required publisher statement: This is a pre-review version of [Title, Journal, Year, Volume, Issue
        (where available)]. The peer-reviewed Version of Record can be
        accessed online at [insert full DOI eg.].
    • Accepted/Post-prints: post in an institutional repository
      • Required publisher statement: This article has been accepted for publication in [Journal, Year] following
        peer review, and the Version of Record can be accessed online at [insert
        full DOI eg.].
  • Additional requirements: none.


  • Publisher website: Science Direct
  • Policy Link: Article Sharing
  • Versions allowed: 
    • Submitted/Pre-print: post immediately.
    • Accepted/Post-prints: post to an institutional repository after the embargo period (varies by journal).
    • Embargo period: Journal Embargo Finder
    • Required by publisher: Elsevier requires authors posting their accepted manuscript to attach a non-commercial Creative Commons user license (CC-BY-NC-ND). This is easy to do. On your accepted manuscript add the following to the title page, copyright information page, or header /footer: © YEAR. Licensed under the Creative Commons [insert license details and URL].
  • Additional requirements: Must link to the published journal article via DOI.


Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

  • Publisher website: Journal Collections
  • Policy Link: Self-Archiving Policy
  • Versions allowed:
    • Submitted/Pre-print: post immediately, on any website or repository.
      • Required publisher statement: This is the original submission version (pre-peer review) of the following article: [full citation], which has now been formally published in final form at [Journal Name] at [link to final article using the DOI]. This original submission version of the article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers’ self-archiving terms and conditions
    • Accepted/Post-prints: post on personal website or instutitional repository, without embargo.
      • Required publisher statement: This is the accepted version of the following article: [full citation], which has now been formally published in final form at [Journal Name] at [link to final article using the DOI]. This original submission version of the article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers’ self-archiving terms and conditions. 
  • Additional requirements: none.


  • Publisher website: Oxford Academic
  • Policy Link: Author self-archiving policy
  • Versions allowed: 
  • Required publisher statement: This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in [insert journal title] following peer review. The version of record [insert complete citation information here] is available online at: xxxxxxx [insert URL and DOI of the article on the OUP website]
  • Additional requirements: none.


  • Publisher website: Sage Journals
  • Policy Link: Sage's Author Archiving and Re-Use Guidelines
  • Versions allowed:
    • Submitted/Pre-prints: post any time after the manuscript is accepted.
    • Accepted/Post-prints: may be posted in the author's institutional repository and reuse is restricted to non-commercial and no derivative uses.
    • Embargo period: None.
  • Required publisher statement: The journal as the original publication of your Contribution is appropriately credited by including the full citation information each time your Contribution, or excerpts, are further distributed or re-used:
    • After your Contribution has been accepted for publication and until it is assigned a DOI, please include a statement that your Contribution has been accepted for publication in the journal.
    • Once full citation information for your Contribution is available, please include this with your posted Contribution, in a format similar to the following:
      Author(s), Contribution Title, Journal Title (Journal Volume Number and Issue Number) pp. xx-xx. Copyright © [year] (Copyright Holder). DOI: [DOI number].
  • Additional requirements: Must link to journal article via DOI.


  • Publisher website: Springer Link
  • Policy Link: Self-archiving policy
  • Versions allowed: 
    • Submitted/Pre-print: Preprint Policy
    • Accepted/Post-prints: post after the embargo period.
    • Embargo period: Embargo period by portfolios
    • Additional note: Under no circumstances may the AM (Accepted Manuscript) be shared or distributed under a Creative Commons, or other form of open access license, nor may it be reformatted or enhanced. 
  • Required publisher statement: This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at:[insert DOI]
  • Additional requirements: link to the URL of the publisher's website.

Taylor and Francis

  • Publisher website: Taylor and Francis online
  • Policy Link: Sharing versions of journal articles
  • Versions allowed: 
    • Submitted/Pre-print: post immediately, anywhere.
      • Required publisher statement: This is an original manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in [JOURNAL TITLE] on [date of publication], available at:[Article DOI].
    • Accepted/Post-prints:
      1. On personal websites: post after publications
      2. On institutional or subject repository(social collaboration network like ResearchGate), after the embargo period.
      • Embargo period list by journal available on the Open access cost finder.
      • Required publisher statement: This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in [JOURNAL TITLE] on [date of publication], available at:[Article DOI].
  • Additional requirements: none.


  • Publisher website: Wiley Online Library
  • Policy Link: Self-Archiving Policy
  • Versions allowed: 
    • Submitted/Pre-print: post immediately, on a personal website, institutional repository, or not-for-profit preprint server or repository. 
      • Required publisher statement: This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: [FULL CITE], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article using the DOI]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
    • Accepted/Post-prints: post after the embargo period on a personal website, institutional or not for profit repository.  
      • Embargo period is 12-24 months, and can be checked with the Author Compliance Tool
        • STM: 12 months
        • SSH: 24 months
      • Required publisher statement: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [FULL CITE], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article using the DOI]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.
  • Additional requirements: none.

Wolters Kluwer

  • Publisher website: Lippincott Journals
  • Policy Link: Look for Green open access on Open access publishing options and Compliance with funder-mandated open access policies
  • Versions allowed: 
    • Accepted/Post-prints: post in an online repository or website the embargo period. 
      • Embargo period: 6-12 months
        • 6 months if the journal does not have an open access option
        • 12 months if the journal offers an open access option
      • Required publisher statement: This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in [insert journal title]. The published version of record [insert complete citation information here] is available online at: xxxxxxx [insert URL and DOI of the published article from the Journal website].
  • Additional requirements: none.

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