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A guide to DigitalCommons@Molloy and the Molloy Faculty Profiles (Expert Gallery Suite).

Associate Director: Head of Electronic and Digital Services

Profile Photo
Tabitha Ochtera
Name pronunciation: TA-bih-thuh AHK-tair-uh
Spring semester hours: Mon. to Fri. 11am-7pm

DigitalCommons@Molloy Annual Summary

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What is the DigitalCommons@Molloy?

The DigitalCommons@Molloy is our Open-Access (OA) institutional repository (IR) highlighting the scholarship of Molloy students, faculty, and staff. DigitalCommons@Molloy is administered by the JET Library with support from individual departments. IRs collect the work of a University and provide a platform where Molloy faculty, staff, administrators, & students can easily access all of the great work done at Molloy. The OA model allows Molloy faculty and students the opportunity to present and promote their research to a worldwide audience that could otherwise lack access to these resources. This allows the world to see what we are doing because the Digital Commons is accessible via the internet (worldwide) and searchable through Google, other major search engines, and the Digital Commons Network.

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5 Reasons to Add Your Work Today!

  1. Zero Cost Submissions: The JET Library maintains a subscription to DigitalCommons.
  2. Worldwide Exposure: Readers from all over the world can find your work via Google & other search engines.
  3. Copyright Compliant: All works are checked by a librarian prior to uploading to ensure copyright compliance.
  4. Metrics: Access to your own personal Author Dashboard, including PlumX metrics, and monthly readership emails.
  5. Reliable Digital Access: Works have a permanent URL! Never search for your own work again.

That sounds good but WHY Digital Commons and not a different site?

Equitable (Open) Access: Works are open access (OA) which means they're free to access online by anyone.  However, the re-use of OA works varies based on copyright status and/or Creative Commons license, your colleagues, students, and researchers at other institutions and countries can find & read your work without needing to subscribe to expensive journals or databases. 

Increased Impact: Your research is of potential public interest; make sure it can be read outside the University. Thanks to SEO your work will be accessed by researchers and users across the world via Google, Google Scholar, Bing, and other major search engines. 

Expanded Scope: Paint a more complete picture of your scholarly activity by sharing presentations, white papers, code, and other research outputs beyond the traditionally accepted peer-reviewed article.

Self-Archiving & Preservation: Make sure your work will continue to be discoverable, accessible, and citable at a stable URL for years to come. Works remain in DigitalCommons@Molloy in perpetuity unless removal is requested by the author/creator.

Create and Reuse: Interested in Open Educational Resources? Make your educational materials, research, or data available for reuse by other scholars and easily identify these works with a creative commons license.

Import to Expert Gallery Suite: display your work in a visual way on your Molloy Faculty Profile.

Open Access Scholarship via the Digital Commons Network

Introduction to the DigitalCommons@Molloy

This LibGuide is licensed CC - Attribution

cc by license icon Created by Tabitha Ochtera, MLIS in 2016. Last updated 2024