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A guide to DigitalCommons@Molloy and the Molloy Faculty Profiles (Expert Gallery Suite).

"Molloy Faculty Profiles" is moving to Pure4EGS

bepress/Elsevier has decided to sunset the Selected Works / Expert Gallery System and it will retire on December 21, 2024.

Since the JET Library/Molloy has a contract with bepress/Elsevier we have decided to migrate to Pure4EGS. Pure4EGS is a limited version of Pure. Anyone with a current Molloy Faculty Profile will be migrated to the Pure System and be considered a legacy profiles.

  • The migration will begin in May 2024 and occur over Summer 2024. 
  • During this time, do NOT update your current profile as that will not carry over.
  • During this time, new profiles will not be created.
  • Your work can still be added to the DigitalCommons@Molloy, if applicable.

Tabitha will be in contact with anyone who currently has a Molloy Faculty Profile. If you have any questions, you may contact her directly at

What is the Expert Gallery Suite?

The Expert Gallery Suite complements the DigitalCommons; it incorporates Selected Works profile with the ability to track statistics and highlight experts. An expert gallery could represent the whole University, a School, Department, or Office. A Selected Works profile URL is permanent and highlights scholarly work; it is not a social media site like LinkedIn.  Selected Works profiles provide a place for faculty to:

  • collect their biographical and bibliographical information
    • Import works currently included in any DigitalCommons
    • List citations & links for works not in a DigitalCommons
    • Host a Thesis or Dissertations that was earned at an institution besides Molloy University
  • highlight current courses being taught
  • connect and communicate with others in the field
  • attract or maintain research partnerships and funding

Note about Works & Copyright

  • All published works must be uploaded to the DigitalCommons@Molloy then imported to your profile page. This is for 2 reasons:
    1. To avoid duplication of work and ensure that your work has 1 permanent URL.
    2. DigitalCommons@Molloy complies with publisher's copyright restrictions & permissions. Uploading work directly to your profile without this vetting could lead to copyright violation or infringement. 

Works are NOT to be directly uploaded to a Profile by a faculty member. Any works directly uploaded, will be removed by the administrator. A CV review must be done before the Works section of your profile can be completed.