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Database, Journal, & Article Searching

This guide explains how to find and cite scholarly articles, as well as offers information on pdf vs html, article linking and much more.


This guide will show you how to search for various library resources.

Click on one of the tabs to get more information about:

  • searching & using databases
  • finding a specific journal
  • searching for articles
  • finding full-text
  • boolean searching
  • using google scholar

How to Access Library Resources from Off-Campus

When you are off-campus and attempt to enter a subscription database or other electronic resource, you will be asked to log in.

Option 1: Log in to Canvas and click the Library Link. This is the preferred method for Off-Campus access. Note: this option is not available in the Canvas app or through web browsers on a mobile device (smart phone or tablet). It is best to use a laptop or a desktop computer.

Canvas dashboard with arrow pointing to Library icon on the left side menu bar

Option 2: Start at the library's homepage and navigate to the database or resources exactly as if you were on campus.

  • Before you get to the resource (database, article, etc.) you will see the Login for Library  Access screen
  • Select either Student or Employee
  • You will be prompted to login with your full Molloy credentials - email address and password
  • At this point, you will be taken to the chosen resource.

Once logged in, you will be able to access any of the databases, collections, or eReserves remotely. As long as you are actively using the resource(s), you will not be prompted to log in again, even if you switch databases. If idle, the system times out after 30 minutes.

Note: The login method was updated in September 2023 from inputting a username and password to selecting the option for your email.

Login for Library Access page

You will be logging in through Molloy University's Microsoft Office 365 login page.

NOTE: This page will look different for Students and Employees

Student View

screenshot of the student login screen

Employee View

screenshot of microsoft 365 sign in screen


Problems connecting? If you receive strange errors or the system persistently hangs, check the information on this Error Messages page or Ask a Librarian.