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Literature: The Search for Sources

and introduction into searching for literature resources

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The JET Library entrance is on the second floor of Kellenberg Hall.

The Information Commons is on the second floor of the Public Square.

                      The Suffolk Center Extensions Library is in Room 121, Amityville.

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To reach a specific person or department, please consult our directory.

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For reference questions call: (516) 323-3910

To reach a specific person or department, please consult our directory.

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Schedule a one-on-one reference appointment with a librarian via the form below.

Students: One-on-one request form

Faculty/Administrators/Staff: One-on-one request form

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Groups may request to book a quiet study room in the Information Commons 

(second floor of the Public Square) via the Room reservation request

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Laptops are available for in-library use only.

Go to the laptop request form.