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JET Library: Directory

Library Directory

Main Number: (516) 323-3910
Archives & Special Collections 323-3223
Patron Services 323-3913
Information Commons 323-3932
Interlibrary Loan and Reserves 323-3914
Learning Commons 323-3296
Reference Librarian Desks 323-3910
Suffolk Center Extension Library 323-3584 

Click on a name to learn more about the librarian.

Staff Librarians Title / Department Phone Email
Judy Drescher University Librarian & Associate Dean of Learning Services 323-3925 jdrescher
Susie Bloom Associate Librarian, Head of Instruction and Outreach 323-3927 sbloom
Wenhui Chen Suffolk Center Librarian, Assistant Professor 323-3584 wchen
Marianna Czeisel Electronic Resources Librarian 323-3919 mczeisel
Tim Hasin Associate Librarian, Head of Technical Services 323-3921 thasin
David Nochimson Access Services Librarian 323-3928 dnochimson
Tabitha Ochtera Associate Director, Head of Electronic and Digital Services 323-3917 tochtera
Nicola Palumbo Associate Librarian, Head of Reference Services 323-3929 npalumbo
Brianna Paoli Archives & Special Collections Librarian 323-3197 bpaoli
Theresa Rienzo Associate Librarian, Health Sciences Librarian 323-3930 trienzo


Staff Title / Department Phone Email
Nancy Anzalone Administrative Coordinator 323-3926 nanzalone
David Bitet Library Technician / Technical Services 323-3922 dbitet
Gillian Demetriou Library Technician / Information Commons 323-3932 gdemetriou
Tara Gold Interlibrary Loan & Reserves Coordinator / Technical Services 323-3915 tgold
Donna Headley Library Assistant / Patron Services 323-3918 dheadley
Bruce Koehler Cataloging & Acquisitions Coordinator / Technical Services 323-3916 bkoehler
Shanta Ramsing Library Technician (Weekends) / Technical & Patron Services 323-3913 sramsing
Samantha Velasco Library Assistant / Patron Services 323-3913 svelasco

Seasonal Worker Librarians Title / Department Phone Email
Sue Barlocher Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 sbarlocher
Catherine Brown Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 cbrown
James Castiglione Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 jcastiglione
Nancy Coradin Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 ncoradin
Karen Flanagan Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 kflanagan1
Tim Haigh Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 thaigh
Jillian Kehoe Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 jkehoe
Leslie Wong Loock Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 lwongloock
Madeleine Nash Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 mnash
Albert Neal Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 aneal
Maya Wilder Reference & Instruction Librarian 323-3910 mwilder
Temp. Library Assistants      
Rich Erben Patron Services 323-3913 rerben
Ellen King Patron Services 323-3913 epking

Directory & Profiles

Click on a name above to show more information about the librarian or library staff. This information iincludes:

  • Job Title
  • Contact Information
  • Direct Chat option (when available)
  • Educational background
  • Interests
  • Molloy committee / taskforce work
  • LibGuides
  • Relevant Links

Many of the JET librarians also maintain a Molloy University Profile through bepress. That gallery is embedded on this page and you can select a profile to see more information or use the link below to browse all profiles for Molloy University.