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Scholarly Publisher's Toolkit

Where to begin?

open access word cloudOne of the most difficult things for faculty can be deciding what and where to publish. Examination of journal rankings and the metrics behind them helps point the way to not only understanding what journals are considered highly revered, but also which ones are most often cited. Google Scholar maintains a journal ranking page, but there are other more informative methods available. The Scholarly Publisher's Toolkit will help identify some of those options as well as provide a deeper understanding of ranking and Impact Factor.

This guide presents tips and tricks for understanding today's digital formats as well as how to best leverage them for the purposes of scholarly publishing. 

Finding Where to Publish

With the following journal suggesting tools, you'll be able to enter text from your title and abstract and receive a list of potential journals which you can explore further.

As this Medieval Helpdesk video illustrates, there have been challenges with technology since the invention of the "book" ... 

Stay current in your field

BrowZine Informational

BrowZine allows users to browse, read, and monitor journals available through the JET Library. Easily access full text of articles, create a bookshelf of your favorite journals, save articles in personalized collections, receive alerts when new journal issues are published, send articles to citation management or note taking programs and more! Very tablet friendly! Specific instructions and instructions are available on the Browzine LibGuide.