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ETD Submission Guide

Describes the required steps for graduates to submit their work for inclusion into ProQuest's Dissertations & Thesis database.

To Begin: Doctoral

proquest etd administration dissertation main page

To begin the process, proceed to the ProQuest UMI/ETD Administrator Site for Dissertations and setup your username and password.

Make sure you see the word Dissertations in parenthesis at the top!


Submission Steps: Publishing Information

1) Instructions: Note, submission steps are located on the left hand side. You may 'jump around' by clicking on the items in this bar. You must have all sections completed, however, before final submission. Also, note the items recommended that you have on hand to help streamline the process.

etd administrator disseration starting page

2) Publishing Options: The only Type of Publishing is Traditional Publishing. That said, you can choose to delay publishing of the document, which is further described under Access Options. If you have no need to delay publication, proceed to the next step.

Access Options (e.g., delaying the release of your work):In the event you may have a patent pending, or perhaps plan to incorporate your dissertation into a future publication, you have the option to delay the release of your work into ProQuest's and the college's database. Otherwise known as an embargo, if this option is selected you can choose to postpone the availability of full text by 6 months, 1 year or 2 years. The result will be that your work will be listed in the ProQuest database as a citation only until the specified embargo period has lapsed. 

Note: embargoes are the exception, not the rule. In most cases you would want your work published as soon as possible.

etd adminstrator access options

3) PQ Publishing Options: Next, you'll be presented with agreements from both ProQuest and Molloy to allow the release of your work and its association with the college. Lastly, the final section under Publishing Information will be a form to enter your basic contact information.

4) Creative Commons: Unless you want to pay for official copyright registration (explained further below), this step is where you select which type of Creative Commons License you want. If you plan to file for formal U.S. Copyright, just say 'no thank you' in this section and move to the next step.

A Creative Commons License designates how you permit your work to be used without the end-user having to contact you; for all other uses, they would still need to contact you for permission. For these types of works, typically students choose one of the non-commercial options.

  • CC BY-NC = Attribution-NonCommercial
  • CC BY-NC-SA = Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike
  • CC BY-NC-ND = Attribution-NonCommerical NoDerivs

Detailed information regarding Creative Commons licences can be found here:

etd administrator creative commons options

Submission Steps: About My Dissertation

1) Dissertation/Thesis Details: In this section you'll begin to enter the data associated with your work. Requested information includes the Title, Primary Language, Abstract, Degree/Awarded, Subject Category, Keywords, Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair and Committee Members. 

Tip: For Subject Categories, you'll be prompted to choose from a drop down list for primary and additional subject categories. You should check with your school regarding the primary subject category. For example, for the School of Education, the primary category should be #0515, Education You may click back to the Instructions section to view the possible categories while in the ETD system, or view the PDF

This will be followed by an area where you can enter up to six additional keywords of your choice, which you have typically already identified within your dissertation. Regarding Abstracts: In most cases you can simply copy and paste the abstract from your main document, but be sure to check and see if the formatting carried over correctly (e.g., line breaks, special characters and the like).

2) PDF, Optional Supplemental Files & Notes:The final phase will be uploading the .pdf document and if applicable, additional support files. This section of the submission provides tips should you encounter difficulty and additional information is available via this support page. Supplemental files are optional and may include audio, video or spreadsheets if they are part of your dissertation. Zip files are acceptable but cannot exceed 1000 MB in size. Lastly, there is a notes section where you can enter any information that may be important for the graduate school administrator to know.

3) Do you have any copyright permission documents to submit? If additional copyright release documents were obtained and not included in your dissertation, you can upload those here.

Submission Steps: Submission & Payment

1) Register U.S. Copyright: The first step is filing for copyright, this in NOT a requirement for submission of dissertations but if you choose to do so there will  be a fee of $75 and is subject to change without notice.The no-charge Creative Commons Option indicated above is generally sufficient for most students.

2) Order Copies/Checkout Procedures: The last step is to decide if you'd like to order any additional copies for yourself. NOTE: The student is responsible for the purchase of one institutional hard copy ($48) and the cost is automatically built in to the form. Additionally, the library will hold your dissertation in electronic format at no additional cost; however, if you'd like a professionally bound hard copy for yourself or others, it is in this section where you can select from a variety of choices. Prices and options are clearly stated and there are discounts available for ordering multiple copies. 

After your shipping address is confirmed, you'll be asked to provide a credit card and the system will submit your payment directly to ProQuest. At a minimum, your order at checkout will be $48 plus tax and shipping and handling fees. The standing copy is shipped to the graduate office. Once received, the hard copy will be sent to the appropriate doctoral program office. The library maintains electronic copies, which are retreivable via Molloy's Digital Commons

3) Submit: At this point in the process, if you have skipped any required steps they will be listed so you can go back and complete them. You may also be able to determine this for yourself by looking for any unchecked boxes on the left-hand sidebar. Once you have successfully submitted your dissertation, it will be reviewed by a Molloy Graduate Office Administrator. Submissions are generally processed twice a year a few weeks after graduation. 

What Happens Next?

As your dissertation progresses through the approval process, you will be contacted by Molloy's Graduate Office in the event of any problems via email. At this stage, the Graduate Office may require additional revisions from you before it can be submitted to ProQuest. Upon notification, students have six months to submit/finalize their corrected manuscript via the ETD system. If there is no response from a student within six months, their manuscript will be withdrawn from the ETD system and remain unpublished.

You will also be notified when your manuscript is ultimately submitted via the Graduate Office for inclusion into the ProQuest database. ProQuest typically sends a notice within a week or less that your work has been added to the Theses & Dissertations Database. Additionally, a .pdf copy of your manuscript is added to the library catalog and the digital commons. Publishing in Molloy's Digital Commons quickly adds your work to Google and Google Scholar search results.