There are two options:
Note: newspaper articles are excluded from the default search. If you are looking for newspaper articles, you must do a newspaper search.
JETFind is Molloy University's library discovery system, which searches all* subscription resources simultaneously from on or off campus, including over 200 databases from scholarly and academic publishers such as Elsevier, SAGE, ProQuest, EBSCO, and many more.
It is a tool that searches most of the sources we have available in the JET library, all in one convenient place from one simple search box. It can search for books, ebooks, journal articles, encyclopedia entries, newspaper articles, videos, images, research guides, and more.
Simply type in two to four keywords and then select everything, library catalog, or articles & more.
*Please note that for some databases, it still works better to go directly to the database to search or browse, and those are listed on the JETfind main page. There are a few databases that are not searchable in JETfind such as Cloudlibrary and Swank.
The default sort is Relevance. Click on the dropdown menu for other options: date-newest, date-oldest, author, and title.
Unlike the previous version of JETfind, there is no limiter called Full Text Only. Instead, look under "Show only" and click Online (Full-text). This will show all articles that are available online from the JET library. Use caution when limiting to Full-text and remember that databases often count providing the full Abstract as providing the full-text so you might encounter the Abstract of a Conference Proceeding that was published in a JOurnal but not the full paper or presentation.
Note: The boxes to check will appear as you move your mouse over a section.
There are two options:
Note: newspaper articles are excluded from the default search. If you are looking for newspaper articles, you must do a newspaper search.
For some articles, there will be a direct link that says View Article or Get PDF. That link finds the "most stable" link to the article.
For all electronic resources, there will be a link that says "Available - View Online" which will list the database links and you can choose one. Most will have one link but sometimes the library has access to an article in more than one database, or the Vendor (like Gale) provides access in more than one of their databases, in that instance just choose a link.
Option 1: Use the JETfind search. Enter an identifier like an ISBN, DOI, or PMID. You can also search for the title of the article or book.
Option 2: In JETfind, click on Citation Linker in the upper menu area.
An identifier like an ISSN, ISBN, DOI or PMID is required. If you don't include an identifier then you may receive faulty or no results.
Option 3: If you have a DOI or PMID, use The link can also be found in A-Z databases.
You must be signed-in to your JETfind account to save searches. Then you will see the Save Search option. You can also save a search from your search history.
If you are not signed-in, you will lose the saved items in your favorites when you close your web browser. If you're not signed-in, it will say Sign In in the upper right corner and you'll only see Saved Items and Search History.
If you are signed-in, your saved items will remain in your favorites until you delete them. If you are signed-in you will see your name in the upper right corner and you'll see Saved Items, Saved Searches, and Search History.
Note: there is currently an issue with notifications populating via RSS feed. It is recommended at this time that you select the email alert option.
You need to have an RSS feed reader for your web browser. The library recommends the RSS Feed Reader for Chrome.
RSS feeds (aka really simple syndication feeds) are customizable collections of material that are frequently updated on the web. Instead of having to do a search repeatedly, you can set up an RSS feed and you will be alerted each time there is a new item that fits your search criteria. To set up an RSS feed, conduct your search, save your search, then click on the RSS icon.
You also have the option to set up an alert by clicking the bell icon, which will send you an email alert instead of using RSS feeds.
This will depend on whether you are off-campus or not. If you are off-campus, remember to Login for Library access or go to Canvas and click the Library icon. You can try:
By default, book reviews and dissertations are included in your search. You can find them listed in Resource Type under Reviews and Dissertations (or Theses) respectively.
You can start with a Newspaper search by clicking Newspapers in the title menu.
Book reviews will also be linked to book records, if available.
Click on the chat icon to open the chat box, it will stay open and follow you to different pages as long as you remain in JETfind. There is also the option to open the chat box in a new window. Opening the chat in a new window is especially helpful if you are on a ipad, tablet, or smartphone.
When the library is closed, you will see text that says chat is offline and a link to email us. A librarian will respond to your email the following day.
It is always recommended that you follow the default steps set up by your citation manager of choice, i.e. using the Zotero connector web browser extension for Zotero; however, it is possible to export a RIS file and then import/upload it into your citation manager of choice.
Each item record will have an Export RIS option. This is not a direct export, you will need to import/upload the RIS file into your citation manager of choice.
If you select multiple records from your search result list, you can click the three dot menu to pull up Export RIS for the selected records. This does not work as well as doing it individually.
As long as your device (computer, tablet, mobile) has a mic, you should be able to use the voice chat by clicking on the mic icon in the search box.
Note: voice search is not available in the JETfind search box on the library's website, you must already be in JETfind in order to utilize it.
Once you speak your search, you will see a screen change before getting to your search results.
Starting January 2023, you can report JETfind issues while remaining in JETfind to continue your work.
Reports are sent directly to the Electronic Resources librarian and the issue will be investigated during Library hours. View the screenshots below for an example.
In August 2023, there was an update to JETfind to include information on retracted notices and retracted publications. Please note that this feature is not 100% and other resources, such as Retraction Watch or the Journal's website, should also be consulted. This information will show up in two different ways.
Retracted Publication and/or Retraction Notice tag in the article's information.
Retracted Publications and/or Retractions Notices options under Resource Type.
JET Library also uses a feature from Libkey to facilitate direct linking (labeled as Download PDF), this can also display Retracted Article information and it is a separate feature from the one described above.