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21 Day Equity Challenge

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” –Rumi


Thank you for participating in the 21-Day Equity Challenge. You have responded in a big way, affirming that change starts from within. The issues we've shared throughout the Challenge reach our families, friends, professional networks and organizations.

Our collective commitment to understanding and addressing structural racism is the first step of community-wide actions that advance equity in our region. It does not—and cannot—stop here. This Challenge has helped us develop a deeper understanding of race, equity, and our collective role in improving our community. What we each choose to do next will be the true test.

Rather than providing content for our final day, we are sharing questions for reflection, discussion and action moving forward.

Questions to Consider for Self-Reflection:

1. What were some of my assumptions about race and racial inequity before I started this Challenge?

2. How have these assumptions been challenged or reinforced? What information was new to me? What do I see differently now?

3. What are my identities and in what ways have my identities impacted my life? Have any of my identities provided me privilege or been a source of discrimination in certain environments?

4. Where have I seen evidence of inequities and systemic and structural racism in my community?

5. How can I talk to my family, friends, and colleagues about what I have experienced and learned during this Challenge?

6. What are the next steps for me to take meaningful action in advancing equity in my community and region?

TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Do one or more of the following…

United Way of Long Island