(n.d.) Greetings from New York postcards. Retrieved from
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Traveling or a day out near home? Find out where you and your family can enjoy free admission to top museums across the United States. Free. iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.
A no-frills app that lets you view lists of music gigs by date either around the city or near your location. You can sort the display by distance from you or the level of “buzz” surrounding the show.
Browse hundreds of exhibitions happening right now in NYC, sorted by popularity, media, area or days till end. Map, directions and opening times help you get there. $1.99. Available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, & Android.
The Scoop is a guide to New York City from the staff of The New York Times. Here's how it works: We offer frequently updated lists of our favorite local restaurants, bars, events and experiences. You go out and have fun. Check off the places you've been, and share what you've done with your friends. Free. iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.
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