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Monster's Ink (ENG 2710)


In the Library

In the Library of Congress Classification system, there is no one place to find Monster Literature. Depending on what type of literature it is, example American Literature is PS, it could be anywhere in the library.

The best way to search is to use the Advanced Search in JETfind.

  • Select Library Catalog
  • Resource type is Books
  • Search by subject using on of the following
    • Literature
    • Monsters in Literature
    • Monsters in popular culture
  • Search by subject can also be combined with a keyword such as:
    • Subject is Literature
    • Keyword is Monsters

advanced search for literature and monsters

Library of Congress General Categories for Language and Literature

Class P: Language and Literature

  • P Philology & Linguistics
  • PA Greek language and literature.  Latin language and literature
  • PB Modern languages. Celtic languages
  • PC Romance languages
  • PD Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages
  • PE English language
  • PF West Germanic languages
  • PG Slavic languages. Baltic languages.  Albanian language
  • PH Uralic languages. Basque language
  • PJ Oriental languages and literatures
  • PK Indo-Iranian languages and literatures
  • PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
  • PM Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages
  • PN Literature (General)
  • PQ French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature
  • PR English literature
  • PS American literature
  • PT German literature - Dutch literature - Flemish literature since 1830 Afrikaans literature - Scandinavian literature - Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian - Modern Icelandic literature - Faroese literature - Danish literature - Norwegian literature - Swedish literature

Directions on finding books in the catalog

The JET Library contains over 100,000 items, this includes not only books but videos/DVD's, instructional materials, and more.

From the Library homepage, simply type your title or keyword(s) into the box. Select "Library Catalog" from the drop-down menu then click the magnifying glass.

screenshot of the JETfind search box on the library's homepage

Note: For ebooks, it is best to select "Everything" from the drop-down as some ebooks are in electronic collections (Articles & more) and others are in the Library Catalog.

From your result list, find the book that you are looking for. Click on the Title - or Availability link of the book to see the full record. This will show you if the book is available, what collection it is in (circulating, reference, etc.) and the Call Number

screenshot of library catalog search result list for the search term google

screenshot of book full record with call number highlighted

Finding Books within the Library:

  • Every book has a call number. The Library's collection is arranged by the Library of Congress Classification and the call number will be a combination of letters and numbers.
  • If the location indicates it is available and in the Circulating Collection, the book can be checked out.
  • Login to place a hold on the book for pick up when you come to the library.
  • If the location is listed as Reference or Reserves, the item can only be viewed on the library premises (i.e. it cannot be checked out).
  • Use the Mapit Feature and/or the Library Floor Plan to assist you in locating your book once you have the call number.

The search option you use will depend on what you already know:

  • By Title - if you know the exact title of the book
  • By Author - if you know the name of the author (be sure to enter it last name, first name)
  • By Subject - if you want to look at all the books under a specific category (often a good place to start if you're not sure of your topic)
  • By Keyword - if you want to find a specific word or phrase in any part of a book's catalog record.