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Molloy Learning Commons: VLC

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A Learning Commons environment allows students to work on their studies in a space where peer and professional tutors are standing by to help. Located in the JET Library, students are immersed in an open learning area and afforded access to materials, professionals, information, and peers in a space that enhances their academic experience at the university. Undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students have free access to tutors who are trained by Learning Services, as well as a full staff of librarians only a few steps away if research assistance is required. 

January 2025 Intersession: Learning Commons Walk-In Hours

Day Writing

Biology 1200/1210/1260

Chemistry 1120/1320

Math 1150 Spanish 1010/1020
Monday 9 am-6 pm - - -
Tuesday 9 am-6 pm - - -
Wednesday 9 am-6 pm - - -
Thursday 9 am-6 pm - - 9 am-12 pm
Friday 9 am-5 pm 10 am-4 pm 12 pm-5 pm -
Saturday - - - -
Sunday - - - -

Visit the Virtual Learning Commons (VLC) below to book an appointment with a librarian, subject or writing center tutor, and more!

Research Help

icon computer with magnify glass in front of itQR code for one-on-one appointment

Group Study Rooms

icon of five people at a tablestudy room qr code

Tutoring Services

icon two people at a table writingtutoring qr code


icon open laptopqr code for laptops

Writing Center

paper with pencil writing on itqr code for writing center