2024 Exhibition
Artwork by
Donna Headley
Letters from the Book of Kells by Bruce Koehler. The letters D and I are two battling cat-beasts. The Book of Kells is an illuminated manuscript created around 800 AD.
Photograph by
Susan Barlocher
Artwork by
Theresa Rienzo
Photograph by
Tim Hasin
Photograph by
Tim Hasin
"Emotional Leaves"
Nancy Anzalone
"Unconditional Love"
Nancy Anzalone
2024 Announcement
Artwork is being digitally displayed for personal viewing and enjoyment.
Copryight is retained by the individual artists & creators. You may not copy, reproduce, post on any other website, republish, upload, encode, modify, translate, publicly perform or display, distribute or transmit any of the Artwork without explicit permission from the copyright holder.