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Communication Sciences and Disorders: An Introduction to Resources

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Get it fast

Illustration of a lightning boltIf students and faculty access Google Scholar via our A-Z Database links, no configuration is required. Simply enter your network or Canvas username and password and you will be automatically linked to all of Molloy's full text databases.

Or, click on the link below.

Configuring Google Scholar From Home - A one time set up to view Molloy's holdings!

If you have a Google account (p.s. you do, your Lions email) you can adjust your settings to see library holdings within Google Scholar search results.

Off-Campus Users:

You can connect via the instructions in the GET IT FAST box yellow lightning bolt in black circle icon for Get It Fast or use the GoogleScholar search box provided on this guide. You can also manually configure Google Scholar on your home computer or laptop in a few simple steps:

Once you are in Google Scholar, click on the three vertical lines in the far left, then the gear icon for Settings

  1. Click "Library Links" and enter Molloy then click the "Search" button.
  2. Put a check in all available resources as indicated below
  3. Click SAVE to apply your changes

screenshot of google scholar settings showing the library links option and a search for Molloy

Test your settings. Conduct a sample search. Links to Molloy should appear to the right.

On-Campus Users:

No configuration is necessary. When you conduct a search within Google Scholar, articles that can be linked to full text will have a "Full-text @ Molloy" hyperlink at the right of the results as illustrated below:

sample search in Google Scholar which shows the Fulltext at Molloy link option

Optional setting:

In the "Search Results" settings, you can also select a bibliographic manager. RefWorks and EndNote are options. BibTex and RefMan (RIS files) should work with any citation manager.

screeshot of the bibliography manager in google scholar settings

screenshot of a google scholar search showing the Import into RefMan option

Importing Citations from Google Scholar to a Citation Manager

For Zotero and Academic Writer:

Note:  To configure the export to Zotero or Academic Writer, you must configure Google Scholar by clicking on the Search Results and selecting RefMan as your default in the Bibliography Manager area.

  1. Conduct your search in Google Scholar. 

  2. Each record displayed will have an "Import into RefMan" link.  Clicking on the link will download the RIS file.

  3. Login to your Zotero or Academic Writer Account.

  4. Drag & drop, or import that RIS file into your Citation Manager.