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BrowZine is a tool that lets you browse, read and monitor the latest scholarly journals from any device.

Expand Full Text Options with BrowZine

Even if we do not have full text access to all or part of a journal you can also seamlessly interlibrary loan it. For example, some publishers prohibit current full text on recent articles. When that occurs you will see this:

unavailable full text yellow banner warning

However, if you click on the article of interest you'll be offered an option to request it via interlibrary loan. So, if you choose the 'Request this item..." you'll be directed then to your ILLiad login page and once logged in, all relevant citation info will be autopopulated.

options to check for full text and/or request full text

So then all you have to do is submit request and you'll generally receive it electronically, usually within 48 hours of the request.

linked to interlibrary loan request form

Are you sure we don't have it elsewhere?

If you find an article that doesn't offer full text in BrowZine, it does not necessarily mean the library doesn't offer it elsewhere. BrowZine maintains linking relationships at the Publisher level, which sometimes does not coincide with large full text collections in database aggregators such as ProQuest, EBSCO and Gale. BrowZine is also not designed for reading popular magazines or trade journals, it is intended as a scholarly reader of peer reviewed journals, so this might be another reason why a title isn't listed.

The easiest way to find out what we have in any format - including print - is to enter the title into our Journal Locator. Note, if you are off campus you will be prompted to enter your Canvas/Network username and password.

This example illustrates a wide range of holding dates and multiple format types and you may even search inside the journal from there.

screenshot of atlantic monthly options in the journal finder

JET Library - more BrowZine & ThirdIron products

Check out these other BrowZine & ThirdIron products & features:

  • Libkey and Browzine links in JETfind: Look for the Download PDF and View Complete Issue links in your JETfind search result list.screenshot of a jetfind search that shows the download pdf and view complete issue links