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Action Research in Education

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Testing & Diagnostic Resources

Finding Full-Text Tests in Journals

Note: These directions will show you how to find articles containing full text tests, and articles that use or discuss a particular test, but don't include the test itself.

APA PsycINFO: Using the Advanced Search option, in addition to your keywords, type the word appended and choose 'TM-Tests & Measures' from the pulldown menu to find full text tests. To find articles that use or refer to tests relevant to your topic, even if the test is not in full text, type in your keywords and choose 'TM-Tests & Measures' from the pulldown menu.  This will search for your terms in the title of a test.  Use as few keywords as possible for this search.

HaPI: Using the 'Advanced Search' option, in addition to your keywords, select 'Primary Source'  in the 'Source Code' box to limit your results to citations that contain measure itself or discuss its development.  

CINAHL: Using the Advanced Search option, in addition to your keywords, select  'Research Instrument' from the Publication Type drop-down menu. To find articles that use a specific research instrument,  enter the name of the test in the search box and choose Instrumentation  in the drop-down menu.

ERIC:  Using the Adanced Search' option, in addition to your keywords, type the word 'appended' to find full text tests.  To find articles that use tests, even if the test is not in full text, type in your keywords and choose Tests/Questionnaires in the Publication Type limit box.