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Global & Public Health

Online Health Information

For more information about developing websites for older adults and usability testing visit:

Training Rural Older Adults to Locate, Evaluate and Use Health Information
The New England Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NL/NM NER) collaborated with the Healthy Maine Partnership to train rural older adults in Western Maine to successfully access and evaluate health information online. Trainings were delivered at community based health centers and special exhibits were held during a conference hosted by SeniorsPlus, a local Area Agency on Aging.

Participants received instruction about MedlinePlus and PubMed and were also introduced to Program results were measured through a pre/post test and one month follow-up survey. Survey questions addressed participants’ awareness, knowledge and use of resources as well as access to computers. Findings demonstrated that participants had increased confidence to locate, evaluate and use health information. A greater number of older adults returned to the web sites or sent family members to the web sites following the training.
