- Drama
- Dramatic representation
- Acting
- Art of acting
- Stage and Accessories
- Costume
- Performing Arts
- Theatre History
- Theatre Production and Direction
- Theatre
- Theater
- Period: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance
- Special Regions
- Tableaux, Pageants
- Types of Drama (“angry young man”)
Can indicate subject headings from LC, or subject headings from a subject specific database
GT510-596 Costume
PA3131-6807 Greek drama
PN1530-1661 Playwriting
PN2000-2067 Theater production
PN2071 Improvisation
PN2080 Monologs
PN2189 Experimental theater
PN2287-2289 Actors
PN4121-4145 Oral Interpretation
PN6111-6121 Plays
PQ4155 Improvisation
PR1262-1272 Dramatists
PR2754-3091 Shakespeare
PS625-634 Plays--American
PS3545 American dramatists
PT World theater