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Aging & Aging at Home or Aging in Place

What Do We Know About Healthy Aging?

Many factors influence healthy aging. Some of these, such as genetics, are not in our control. Others — like exercise, a healthy diet, going to the doctor regularly, and taking care of our mental health — are within our reach. Research supported by NIA and others has identified actions you can take to help manage your health, live as independently as possible, and maintain your quality of life as you age.

Healthy Aging Tips for the Older Adults in Your Life

5 Tips for Choosing Healthier Foods as You Age

Food provides the nutrients and energy you need as you age. Find tips for making healthy food choices a part of your daily life. 

5 Tips for Choosing Healthier Foods As You Age- Read Transcript

Or see infographic below.

5 Tips for Choosing Healthier Foods as You Age infographic. See full transcript below or open PDF for full description.

Overcoming Roadblocks to Healthy Eating

Healthy Meal Planning: Tips for Older Adults

Tips To Boost Health As You Age Infographic. See transcript below.