Information for educators from the US Department of Health & Human Services regarding what bullying is and how to stop it, including cyberbullying and bullying directed at LGBT students.
Information about cyberbullying and how to stop it, from the National Crime Prevention Council. Includes ways teens can help to prevent it, and what to do if it happens to them.
Part of Teachers College Columbia University, The Hechinger Institute was founded in 1996. Its newsletter focuses on a variety of topics in education both mainstream and controversial.
E.R.A.S.E. Racism is a regional organization that focuses on combating institutional and structural racism on Long Island. Spotlights local schools that have made efforts to address this issue.
Consider the use of accessibility guidelines and best practices when creating Open Education Resources (OERs) and locally developed educational materials. Review the NIMAS technical specification and information about MathML. Access NIMAS filesets and exemplar specialized formats created using NIMAS filesets. Learn about the NIMAC at the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) and other accessible media producers (AMPs) such as Bookshare and Learning Ally.
National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials homepage offers a wealth of resources regarding accessible instruction, assistive technologies, and more.
Build lessons, develop teaching materials, and vary your approach so that all students, regardless of where they are starting from, can learn content effectively, according to their needs.